Five traditional Japanese sports to try
Jul 01, 2024
Introduction: Five traditional Japanese sports to try

traditional Japanese sports : Kendo
Japan is not only known for its beautiful scenery and mouth-watering local cuisines but the country is also known for its amazing traditional sports. From aikido to kendo, Japan is blessed with many interesting traditional sports that are worth trying. This feature will introduce five traditional Japanese sports to learn while visiting here!
1. Karate
Karate (空手) is a traditional Japanese martial art originated in Okinawa. It is best known for its striking maneuvers of the hands and feet. Karate is an unarmed martial art discipline featuring kicking, striking, and defensive blocking with arms and legs. Most of the moves used in Karate were developed under the influence of Chinese martial arts, particularly the Fujian White Crane.
Karate has become a global trend now, and you can take karate classes in almost every country. There are different levels you graduate from as you move higher in the ranks. Each rank has a different belt color.
2. Kyudo
Kyudo (弓道), which means “The Way of the Bow”, is the Japanese martial art of archery. The martial art is based on kyujutsu (弓術), or “The Art of Archery”, which was practiced by the samurai in the past.
Kyudo uses yumi (弓), the bow, and ya (矢), the archer, and it is practiced by thousands of people worldwide for both recreation and sports. Kyudo is a good sport to do if you want to stay fit and acquire high spirituality at the same time, and if you’re interested in practicing Kyudo, you can contact the International Kyudo Federation for more information about the local Kyudo dojo in your area.
3. Aikido
Aikido (合気道) is a modern Japanese martial art that is practiced in more than 140 countries, and the sport was created by Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969), during the late 1920s through the 1930s under the influences of the older martial arts he had learned before. Unlike other martial arts, aikido focuses more on redirecting the force of the attack received from the opponent, rather than opposing it head-on.
The martial art involves both physical and mental training, and the sport is not only good for your health but also boosts your self-confidence naturally.
4. Kendo
Kendo (剣道), which means “The Way of the Sword”, is a Japanese martial art descended from kenjutsu (剣術), “The Art of the Sword”. The sport involves a bamboo sword called shinai (竹刀), and protective armor called bogu (防具). Kendo players also wear hakama (袴) as their uniforms.
Kendo is practiced across Japan and worldwide, and unlike other martial arts, kendo is often offered as an elective or optional sport in Japanese schools.
5. Judo
Judo (柔道), which means “The Gentle Way”, is a Japanese martial art that is practiced unarmed, involving several wrestling moves used for self-defense.
The martial arts optimally utilizes the powers of both body and mind, and the purpose of Judo is to teach both physical and mental disciplines through the practice of attack and defense.